Out of This World Lesson Plan PDF Download
Out of This World Lesson Plan PDF Download
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NASA announced that September 2017 to September 2018 is "A Year of Education on Station" for the International Space Station (ISS). Astronaut Richard (Ricky) Arnold, a alumni board member of the Project WET Foundation, was the educator on board the ISS for the latter half of March to September 2018. Given Project WET’s connection with Ricky, the Project WET Foundation seized the opportunity to enhance educational activities relating to water and the ISS’s Year of Education on Station. The Out of This World Lesson Plan is a compilation of Project WET activities that can be used to teach about water and relate the lessons to the ISS.
Several of the activities listed in the lesson plan are available for immediate download on the Project WET Store. Other activities are found only in the Project WET Curriculum available to educators who have completed a workshop with a local Project WET partner. Contact your local Project WET Coordinator for information on workshops near you.